Sunday, April 6, 2014

What its like to be a Mom to 6 kids..

Well, I found this from 2014, and I had no idea what writing was. I still over-use the LOL, but it really means I'm giggling, or that what I said was funny to me. Wow, I was roaring myself with adrenaline. Can I smack her? My younger self? I am now 53, and was almost 44 at the time of this.  I just don't know what to say, except, girl, sit down and get some rest. LOL. We also don't have grandkids yet, but we have 2 grand-kitties, and have had 3 grand-puppies.  Our kids are a lot smarter than our generation, and are waiting to have kids. They're a lot more expensive than they were back then. Even 2014. I am going to save this gem, for reflection. and try not to use LOL so much. 

Being a Mother to 6 kids...

Where do I start? Ok, at the beginning..

I had always been the little girl, who wanted many kids when I grew up. I took care of neighborhood friends, and was always an "ear" to anyone who needed one. I had many baby dolls, and some of which, I smothered with hairspray and perfume, in order to care for them. LOL. 

I started babysitting at 11, (yes, I know but I was this tall and the mothering instincts kicked in when I was 8) and soon had all of the neighborhood parents wanting me to watch their children, too. I couldn't get enough of kids..I don't know why, but I made sure every one that I came in contact with, or befriended, knew they were loved. It still carries on today, as I'm 43 years old, and I'm the one you HATE at the store, who will stop you to talk to your baby. It's a weakness, and our kids will even say "DON'T say hi to the baby!" They know..LOL. 

I found out that I was pregnant at the age of 22, and I can't begin to tell you how exciting that was. A boy. I can't wait to dress him up and play with him and he'll call me "Mommy" and oh wow..the excitement. Then like a record playing backwards, "REEEEK"....

Nobody told me about the dirty diapers, and the CIRCUMCISION and the crying non-stop all night, and the WHAT? he has COLIC? What the heck is THAT? My baby has gas? Oh ok..that's hereditary. 

When you have 6 kids, it's not any stretch of the imagination. It's a daily chore of getting up 5 times a night, not because they're newborns, but because they try to sneak down the stairs, and get a late night snack.  Ooops..did I just slam that cabinet and wake you up? You're trying to SLEEP? What do you need that for? (still kills me when the kids question me when I take a 

It is easy, because they're all close, they have a good relationship with us, and they're all genuinely good kids. 

Its not easy because you mothers of 1 or see that box of corn dogs that you just bought for your family that consists of you and your significant other and your 2 darlings that will last all week?? Yeah, I just bought 2 of them, and with 3 teenagers in the house, I'll be lucky if they last an hour in my house. That box of cereal? Yeah, one morning, here. I go grocery shopping, and they see me a mile away. Whether its at Walmart, or our friendly local grocery store, Food Lion. And oh..thank you Food Lion for the race car shopping carts..they TOTALLY rock.  

I buy the groceries and Lulu, our youngest, always wants to go with I rarely shop alone. I can honestly say though, that when Connor (14) Casey, (13) Haileigh, (17) and Brennon, (21) were all little, it was so hard to do anything. I can look back on when they were all little, and say "HOW DID I SURVIVE? HOW did THEY survive?" because, now picture this..I had an 8 year old, a 4 year old, a 2 year old, and a 1 year old, all at the same time. THAT is the Mom I feel for.. and I met one at Walmart a few years back.  She had 6 all under the age of 8, and was pregnant with number 7.  OMG shoot me now.  I couldn't imagine that..but as a Mom, (one that genuinely wants kids) I can say that you manage. You buy the dog bag size of cereal at the store..the one that you look at and think "WHO in the hell eats that much cereal??" . Yeah, my kids do. That giant bag of shredded cheese? Yeah, I buy it. $15 and it lasts 2 days..tops.  That HUGE bottle of syrup? Yep, my kids use it. 5 gallons of milk in 3 days? Yep, my kids. And I'm laughing but that ginormous bottle of laundry soap? Yeah..lasts a week in my house if I'm lucky and the kids keep clean clothes longer, and nobody is sick.  

That's another thing..when they're all sick. Anybody who knows me or is on my facebook, knows that when they are sick at the same time, it's a chore.  4 in school, (Brennon graduated in 2012, thank the LORD) so you're always going to come in contact with some type of virus or bug. I don't care if they have your kids lathered in a hand sanitized bath. Kids are still going to be kids, and spread the germs, and the love. They pick boogers, (boys more because they have I love that at the beginning of the school, they ask for tissues and 500 bottles of hand sanitizer. Like it will change how kids are about their personal hygiene. That, and the parents who send their kids to school, sick. I love them. LOL. (Insert sarcastic laugh here) . 

My kids are my life though, and I wouldn't change it for the world. I love being stopped at the store, though, and being asked "Are they all YOURS?" ..I have had a bad day, right before I ran into that person, and said , "No! I found them on street corners!" I got a snood laugh and a snicker..LOL. Or my all time favorite is "You'd think you'd figured out what caused that??????????!!!!!!" I always answer, without hesitation, "Yeah, we did and you know what? We had so much fun doing it that we had more!".. DUH. Don't ask a parent of multiples if they know what caused that. Really? I don't lick the don't ask. ;-) 

I am the "surrogate" mother to the kid's friends, and to the neighborhood kids, and to kids that I babysit. I can't get enough. It's stressful...yes. I have many moments with my own, where I (God forbid) yell out in anger, that I'm going to run away.  I will never run away, but its out of total frustration.  Clean your toys? Ok. Clean your dishes? Ok. Clean  your clothes? Ok. Remind you to do your homework and you're in middle school?? No way.  I'm overloaded on the "event calendar".  If you're in need of a reminder alarm clock, then set the alarm on the $300 phone we bought you for Christmas.  ;-) 

Yes, 6 kids is a chore, and its hard sometimes, but its such a good feeling to sit down and watch a movie together. Or go outside together.  And just imagine the amount of GRANDKIDS we'll have! I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! To be continued... LOL. 

Well, I found this from 2014, and I had no idea what writing was. I still over-use the LOL, but it really means I'm giggling, or that what I said was funny to me. Wow, I was roaring myself with adrenaline. Can I smack her? My younger self? I am now 53, and was almost 44 at the time of this.  I just don't know what to say, except, girl, sit down and get some rest. LOL. We also don't have grandkids yet, but we have 2 grand-kitties, and have had 3 grand-puppies.  Our kids are a lot smarter than our generation, and are waiting to have kids. They're a lot more expensive than they were back then. Even 2014. I am going to save this gem, for reflection. and try not to use LOL so much.